Going Afar in 2024
This years missions will be held between December 8, and December 28, 2024 in three different regions and across five sites. Our total budget for the missions is Kes. 1.7million and we need your help to get there and your presence in the mission.
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Lord give us Kwakyai
- Kwakyai is in Kibwezi, Makueni County
- The place is dense with children, really! All in need of proper care and especially education
- Around the place there is a Sisal company and like tea factory, sugarcane factories and fishing factories, we actually know that it’s usually a business of sometimes exchanging life, you got that? There are many cases of dropping out of school to get money and the money sometimes is purchased at a dire cost.
- More than taking the good news of salvation there to both aged men and children small, a lot can be done for the youths and children in terms of impact, really
- We plan to have a Spirit filled children program, educate them and show them the better, nobler life!
Lord give us Leshau
- Leshau Pondo lies at the borders between Nyandarua and Laikipia counties.
- There is an existing Adventist church called Kahembe, which has been there for more than 30 years. It has 5 Sabbath Schools distanced approximately 5-7 kilometres from one another.
- Total membership of the whole of Kahembe church, Sabbath Schools inclusive, is 25 members, with the main church having 4. All the Sabbath Schools are more than 20 years old, but the membership remains 3-6 members per church.
- The church has been torn apart by offshoots who operate 7 sabbath-keeping offshoot churches within the area.
- There is a great cry from the women in Leshau that God may turn their men from alcoholism so that they can take up their responsibilities, which they have neglected for long.
- We also look forward to impacting the youth with agribusiness and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.
- By God’s grace, we will have a vibrant VBS for the children, which will climax with a graduation ceremony.
You see the situation? Well that’s why Leshau needs you.
Lord give us Nyamala
Nyamala Sinene is a rural center in Kilifi County, about 60kms from Malindi town. Largely made up of Giriama with a bit of Waata, the community is unentered and is one of the focus areas selected by the Kenya Coast Field to be evangelised.
The area is under Kadzandani district of the Seventh-day Adventist church which has 4 churches that lie about 12 kilometers apart. The majority of people in the community are not Christians but rather have strong traditional beliefs in ancestors and spirits, with a few protestant denominations dotting the region.
A mission led by Nyali SDA Church and ALIVE Kenya in April 2024 saw 47 people baptised and led to the formation of a Sabbath School which ALIVE Pwani has been supporting since then. The goal is to continue following up the newly baptised members and generating new interests. A Bible worker has been working the area and the Sabbath school has continued to grow by God’s grace.
Judging by the recent mission in which the majority of those who joined the faith were youths and children, ALIVE Pwani wants to focus more on ministering to this segment of the population. The upcoming mission will therefore lean heavily on a Vocational Bible School where children will be taught the core truths necessary for this time.
There are no significant economic activities in the area and most of the residents conduct agricultural activities when the rains permit. Since it is dry for the better part of the year, it is common for children to go for a day or two without food. Donations of foodstuffs, clothing and educational material will be very helpful in demonstrating the love we wish to preach.